Industry Solution

Vendavo Pricepoint

Increased competition, supply chain fluctuations, and shifting consumer demands require business agility in the food service industry. A well-executed rebate and incentive program should be rooted in performance incentives, not assumptions. Vendavo helps you proactively design and manage your pricing and rebate programs across channels so you can direct buyer behavior and grow profitability.

Grow Revenue

Manage rebate programs drive 2% to 10% incremental sales, plus have a significant impact on profitability and customer satisfaction.

Stop Overpayments

Incentive management is inherently complex, time-consuming, and prone to errors. Reduce overpayments while processing rebate calculations 35% faster.

Better Forecasting

Automate your calculations and produce forecasts in minutes. Stop battling spreadsheets for days. 

Food Service Companies with Better Incentives

Food Services Rebate Item

Are you ready to improve your processes?

  • Simplify the execution of your complex agreements  
  • Centralize, build, manage, and maintain programs for any type incentives in one solution
  • Improve customer relationships with portals and dashboards to share information 
  • Reduce the risk of overpayments or underpayments by tying to actual performance 
  • Automate the entire process from deal creation to accruals to payments to reporting


Recipe for Growth with Incentive Programs

February 15, 2024

What if you could streamline the creation and execution of your rebate programs? Food Services companies with well-designed incentive programs outperform the market and see improved revenue. Providing special pricing, receiving incentives, and submitting billbacks are only some of the ways companies are using automation to reduce risks and ensure accounting compliance. Plus, rebate revenue directly applies to the bottom line, driving increased growth and profitability.

Recipe for Growth with Incentive Management Thumb

Improvements our customers measure


Prevented rebate overpayment


Reduced management time


Avoided rebate penalties

For Big Pricing Wins

Rebate programs rely heavily on data, including customer rostering, affiliation, purchase history, sales data, and performance metrics. Communicating rebate program details, eligibility criteria, and changes effectively to customers can be challenging. Ensuring data protection regulation of customer sensitive data, accuracy, quality, data security, and integration with various systems is essential.

Rebates are complex, adding administrative costs and variability to the negotiation. Designing and managing programs that offer the right incentives to the right customers or vendors at the right time requires a solid understanding of behavior and market dynamics. Incentive programs typically involve multiple designs, tiers, eligibility criteria, and performance metrics.

Rebate programs require accurate accrual calculations, since they are a combination of variables such as sales volume, product families, bundles, and customer segments. Mistakes in calculation can lead to overpayments, claims, or accounting errors, which are costly.

Disputes can arise when customers and channel partners submit proof of purchases that don’t align with the rebates they’re entitled to. Resolving these claims is typically manually or offline, requiring clear documentation and efficient communication.

Ensuring that customers adhere to the terms and conditions of rebate programs is a significant challenge. You need proper monitoring and compliance management, or customers could miss out on rebates they are entitled to. Poorly managed rebate programs can erode profits and lead to financial losses.

Additional resources on rebates