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Transforming Data-Driven Decisions with Action Adviser 

Aneesa Needel< Aneesa Needel July 17, 2024

Your data grows every day. How can you use it to make the right operational decisions? Aneesa Needel, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Vendavo, explains how Vendavo’s new Action Adviser solution helps you make the data-driven decisions you need to grow and boost your revenue.

Navigating the large amounts of data available in business today can be overwhelming, especially in B2B. Manufacturers and distributors handle massive amounts of data from sources across their entire organizations, including:   

  • Detailed records of sales transactions, sales forecasts, and market trends  
  • Revenue, profit margins, cost analysis, and budgeting data  
  • Regulatory compliance records, quality control test results, and audit reports  
  • Real-time stock levels, reorder points, and safety stock data 
  • Information on supplier performance, lead times, and logistics 
  • Order status, shipment tracking, and delivery times 
  • Customer satisfaction scores, detailed feedback from surveys, and product reviews 
  • Information on production schedules, machine performance, and downtime 
  • Employee productivity, labor costs, and shift schedules 
  • Information from business partners and affiliates, such as sales agreements, joint ventures, and partnership performance 
  • And so much more 

The data is often complex, there is a lot of it, and it exists in siloed systems, making it difficult to know exactly how your business is doing or where you might need to make adjustments. 

That’s where Vendavo’s Action Adviser comes in.  

Our new analytics solution leverages AI to turn data into opportunities, recommendations, and practical insights to eliminate price variation, reduce leakage issues, and increase collaboration for pricing and sales teams. 

Let’s explore how Action Adviser can help your organization make smarter, faster decisions. 

Read the full product launch press release here: [insert title and link to official product launch press release

Why Action Adviser? 

  • Make sense of data 
    Collecting data can be straightforward, but making sense of it? Not as easy. Action Adviser changes that. It sends your data through automated playbooks that become powerful insights that meet your business needs. Whether you’re a pricing analyst or a sales manager, Action Adviser simplifies data interpretation, empowering you to make data-driven margin leakage-reducing decisions effortlessly. 
  • See real benefits 
    Your business teams analyze tons of data, identify trends, and set strategic prices.  Additionally, sales teams, need prescriptive insights to close more effective deals. For both teams, this takes time and a level of trust. Action Adviser bridges this gap, ensuring that sales teams get the precise information they need without getting bogged down by data complexity while your analysts and pricers move faster. 
  • Beat data blindness 
    Businesses have loads of data but often lack the tools to analyze it effectively. This leads to missed opportunities and suboptimal decisions. Action Adviser tackles this by providing tailored recommendations based on comprehensive data analysis. Any team using data for decision-making will find it invaluable. 
  • Spot opportunities for operational changes 
    Action Adviser excels at identifying areas for improvement, such as margin leakage or excessive price variations. It compares existing prices with target prices and margins, providing insights into why certain opportunities are worth pursuing. By understanding the value of specific actions, businesses can make more informed decisions that boost revenue and profitability. 
  • Empower sales teams 
    Accurate recommendations are crucial, because even the best strategies can fall flat. Action Adviser ensures that sales teams receive precise, actionable data, allowing them to approach negotiations and pricing adjustments confidently. This leads to better strategy adoption and more consistent results. 
  • Track and adjust strategies 
    One standout feature of Action Adviser is its ability to track strategy implementation and success. If adjustments are needed, the system provides recommendations, keeping businesses responsive to market changes. 

How Action Adviser Works for You 

Action Adviser playbooks start with common business cases like identifying negative margins, slow-moving products, possible customer churn, or excessive price variations, to name a few Playbooks automate everyday challenges, but the real excitement lies in the advanced capabilities: 

  • Advanced analytics with trend analysis 
    Action Adviser uses a combination of methods, including artificial intelligence to detect trends and patterns that aren’t immediately obvious while reviewing spreadsheets. This helps businesses stay ahead, making proactive adjustments rather than reactive ones.
  • Scalable 
    Action Adviser is flexible. Businesses can input various data types, and the system will automatically identify opportunities based on this information. Address your unique business and scale it for your needs as you grow. 
  • Easy setup and integration 
    The system guides users through the setup process, from defining measures and setting filters, edit your analysis to fit your needs. It’s user-friendly, so even your team members who don’t have as much technical or analytical experience can get started right away.  
  • Real-time analysis and reporting 
    Once set up, Action Adviser automates playbook analyses, providing up-to-date insights for timely decisions. Detailed reports can be easily exported and shared, ensuring everyone is on the same page and ready to act on insights. 
  • Continuous improvement 
    Action Adviser gets smarter as more information is added to the system, which helps to refine its recommendations and insights. Users can decline irrelevant opportunities, helping improve guidance over time. The value of Action Adviser grows as it adapts to your business needs. 

Ready to Get Started with Action Adviser?  

Action Adviser is a game-changer for pricing and sales teams. By automating analyses and providing clear, usable insights, it empowers businesses to make smarter decisions faster to increase margin by reducing leakage. 

Whether you’re looking to optimize margins, streamline pricing strategies, or simply make sense of your data, Action Adviser is the solution you need.  

Reach out today to speak with an expert or request a demo.