
Bold Pricing Predictions for 2024

We pull out our crystal ball and predict where pricing is going in 2024

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Pricing Transformations

How pricing changed in 2023 to react to inflationary and recessionary pressure from an inverted yield curve.

Pricing in 2024

How to respond to continued economic pain with challenges from China, stagnation, and device lifespans.

AI in Pricing

AI in pricing is now table stakes. See how it’s already here and the next steps.

What you’ll learn in this webinar

Using the 5th Annual Global Pricing Survey as a foundation, noted pricing expert Chris Kennedy-Sloane will take stock of what market changes impacted us in 2023 and how pricers responded. He will then pull out his crystal ball and predict where pricing is going in 2024. A focus will be on how AI is changing pricing today and its growing impact in the future.

  • Highlights of pricing transformation in 2023
  • Our predictions for 2024 and beyond
  • The elephant in the room: AI in Pricing

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