Guided Selling
Your bottom line depends on smart, data-driven
business decisions. Vendavo’s Guided Selling
solutions are the helping hand you need.

For Big Pricing Wins
The right software solutions make all the difference in the guided selling process. Vendavo offers guided selling software products to help your company see the success it needs:
Guided Selling Examples
Guided selling requires data and strategy to be as effective as possible. Here’s how to get the most from your guided selling process:
Automated playbooks
Automation helps companies free up time from their sales team, improve outcomes, and offer buyers more reliable, responsive experiences.
Customer insights and visibility
Visible data from throughout the sales pipeline ensures your team members can act on data in real-time, plus leverage customer insights quickly and efficiently.
Real-time responses
Guided selling enables your company to be adaptable and dynamic. Using your data ensures you can act in real time and increase your capabilities.

Guided Selling for Leading Organizations
You don’t need to tackle guided selling on your own. Reach out to a Vendavo expert for recommendations to boost your bottom line.
Fewer customers
B2B businesses have fewer customers than their B2C counterparts.
Optimized sales process
B2B brands need to ensure that every step of the sales process is fully optimized and stress-free for their customers.
Leverage data
Use data-driven guided selling to enhance the customer experience, optimize the journey, and boost conversions, repeat sales, and brand loyalty.
How Guided Selling Works
Guided selling optimizes your B2B selling process by combining data, analytics, and greater sales visibility for dynamic decision making.
Guided selling enables brands to offer a step-by-step buying process for customers, but uses data and improved visibility to enhance decision-making. This results in fewer process hiccups, greater customer satisfaction, more repeat purchases, and boosted brand loyalty.