Exploring the Evolution of the Modern Pricing Team
The landscape of pricing teams is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, market dynamics, and changing customer behaviors. We will delve into these transformations, share insights, and explore forward-looking strategies that can shape the success of businesses.
Exploring the Evolution of the Modern Pricing Team
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Meet the Experts

Chris Kennedy Sloan
Business Consultant
Making an impact is the name of the game for Chris Kennedy-Sloane. With more than 15 years of professional pricing experience, he always has his eye to the future by helping clients understand where they are gaining ground and ways to best amplify those efforts. Working first in escalating pricing director roles for WD, a Western Digital Company and then LGC in the United Kingdom, Chris has experienced first-hand the power of price. He is passionate about using strategic pricing programs to help organizations grow and thrive and his constant client advocacy makes him a repeat sales leader and pricing innovator.

Pol Vanaerde
Business Consultant
Pol isan experienced consultant in pricing and market strategy. Love to support companies outperforming their markets with a differentiated market strategy, exceptional value creation, peak performance in product management and world class value monetization and pricing.