Vendavo CFO Dayton Kellenberger speaks to CFO Dive about how technology has changed the speed and methods that finance chiefs can use to make pricing decisions and the evolution of price-volume-mix analyses.
What price-volume-mix is designed to do is to try to identify the gaps between your expected versus actual sales and your expected margin versus actualized margin. So price, volume, and mix are really the three main components there that impact your revenue and your margins from a price perspective.“
Dayton kellenberger, cfo at vendavo
Read the article >
Further Reading on Price-Volume-Mix
PVM to Improve Performance >
In March 2021, Dayton Kellenberger contributed this article to CFO Dive.
Margin Bridge Analyzer >
Comprehensive price-volume-mix analysis across all your business dimensions.
A Practical Guide to PVM Analysis >
Unbox the drivers of margin changes and stabilize profits by creating a price/volume/mix model for your business.
Fluidra Protects Margin and Drives Profitability with Vendavo Margin Bridge Analyzer>
Discover how Fluidra leverages Vendavo to protect margins, maintain profitability, optimize commercial processes, and gain greater visibility and transparency into pricing data, enabling well-informed business decisions in a complex global environment.