Artificial Intelligence Hub

AI Pricing Insights

Artificial Intelligence is taking the world by storm. Let Vendavo’s AI Insights hub be your lighthouse. These resources illuminate the way forward with expert insights, thought leadership, and use cases on the transformative power of AI in business. From illustrating the art of what’s possible, to breaking down ethics and regulatory compliance concerns, we’ll help you navigate the treacherous waters of AI with clarity and confidence. 

Vendavo’s Approach to AI

We believe in a future where responsible innovation is at the intersection of AI and human collaboration. At Vendavo, we are committed to the security and privacy of data, as well as the safe and ethical uses of AI in price optimization in all that we do. Our philosophy centers on a hybrid approach, where humans and machines work together to achieve the best possible outcomes. By empowering our customers to use AI as a copilot to sell and price their products, and better serve their customers, we enable them to make data-driven decisions that support their own, human expertise. We believe that this approach, with responsible innovation as its guiding principle, will lead to a brighter, more successful future for all.

How Our Experts See It

There’s no doubt that AI has the potential to dramatically change the way we operate, improve efficiency, and enhance many human-driven processes. The challenge ahead of us is to create and use models built on responsible and ethical principles – acting early to design in a way that protects privacy, confidentiality, and intellectual property, and educating users to the risks and limitations.
The technology is here to stay! AI and chatbots are already heavily used for different tasks, especially tasks which are repetitive. I think we will see more investment into AI driven assistants, as companies try to create better operating models, lower cost, and free up human resources to deal with more custom problems, which can also be eventually automated via AI.
The buzz around AI has often focused on positioning man vs. machine. When will AI be ‘smarter’ than us? What will that mean? But we like to take a more pragmatic perspective and look for ways that machines (AIs) can work together with humans to help augment intelligent decision-making such as identifying the right product, at the right price, and at the right time.

Vendavo’s AI-Powered Pricing and Selling Software Solutions

Blending Human and Machine Intelligence

We firmly believe that AI is the key ingredient in developing powerful and captivating products. However, the B2B landscape poses unique challenges that require a tailored approach to AI implementation. To ensure that our AI pricing tools and techniques are relevant and effective for B2B applications, we conduct thorough research and testing on real customer data before introducing new AI/ML algorithms to the market. In addition to solving complex B2B pricing issues, we explore innovative ways to utilize AI in price optimization to enhance customer engagement and improve user experience. With our UI, users have the flexibility to oversee, refine, and manage the AI algorithms, enabling a harmonious blend of human and machine intelligence. We’ve found this combination to be highly effective for B2B enterprises.

Our Commitment to Responsible Innovation

At Vendavo, we have established an AI steering group comprised of data scientists, product managers, software engineers, lawyers, marketers, sellers, and business consultants. The mission of this group is to continuously explore and promote innovative uses of the latest AI technologies, including but not limited to ChatGPT and other generative AI. We firmly believe in responsible innovation and are committed to leveraging AI in a way that prioritizes safety, security, privacy, and ethical use. Our CTO, David Edwards, has emphasized the importance of taking a leading position in this emerging field, which is why we have invested heavily in our AI steering group. We are excited to explore how these emerging technologies can fundamentally change our products and business, all while ensuring that we remain at the forefront of responsible AI innovation.

Let AI Be Your Co-Pilot in Your Role

AI is impacting every function in business. Discover how to leverage AI as a co-pilot in your own role to drive efficiency, accuracy, and insights. 

AI Tips for Pricers

  • Data Analysis: AI technology rapidly and accurately analyzes vast amounts of data, saving pricers time and effort in identifying patterns.
  • Customer Behavior: AI predicts customer actions by aggregating information on market changes, supply chain disruptions, and economic outlooks.
  • AI Price Optimization: AI provides timely pricing suggestions, maximizing competitive advantage with flexible pricing logic. See Vendavo Deal Price Optimizer for more.

Read More

In this article by David Anderson, VP of Business Consulting at Vendavo, learn how pricing automation, data analysis, customer behavior prediction, and price optimization work together with professional pricers to achieve better outcomes.

Read Mastering the Art of Pricing with AI – Essential Tips for Pricers >

AI Tips for Sellers

  • Sales Productivity: Generative AI tailored digital interactions for sales teams, generating code and analyzing datasets to quickly retrieve information and streamline processes.
  • Sales Negotiations: AI provides timely price and profitability guidance, supporting more productive negotiations with the ability to incorporate salespeople’s expertise.
  • Improve Win Rates: AI suggests customer-centric cross-selling and upselling opportunities by analyzing transaction data, empowering sales teams to enhance their win rates.
  • Personalization: AI utilizes past transaction data and customer profiles to deliver personalized and engaging experiences, enabling sales teams to offer tailored campaigns. See Vendavo Sales Optimizer for more.

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In this article by Patrick Dougherty, Product Marketing Manager at Vendavo, discover the game-changing potential of AI in sales. From boosting productivity and improving win rates to enhancing personalization, explore the expert tips and strategies that will empower your sales team for success.

Read AI’s Impact on Sales and Tips for Success >

AI Tips for CFOs

  • Data Analysis: AI rapidly and accurately analyzes vast amounts of data, saving CFOs time and enhancing decision-making by identifying patterns and insights.
  • Price Optimization: AI analyzes and optimizes data to provide timely pricing suggestions, maximizing competitive advantage with flexible pricing logic across operations, geographies, channels, and catalogs.
  • Alleviate Supply Chain Pressures: Automating vendor negotiations using AI can reduce negotiation time, achieve cost savings, and optimize supply chain efficiency. See Vendavo Pricepoint for more.

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Discover the transformative power of AI for finance in this article by Dayton Kellenberger, Vendavo’s CFO. Gain insights into harnessing AI’s potential and achieving harmonious collaboration between humans and machines.

Read Practical AI Tips and Insights for CFOs >

Artificial Intelligence FAQ

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human-like intelligence, including visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and natural language processing. AI systems use algorithms and mathematical models to analyze data, learn from patterns, and make predictions or decisions.  

Rule-based systems, machine learning, and deep learning are different types of AI. Rule-based systems follow predefined rules to make decisions, while machine learning algorithms learn from data to improve their performance over time. Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, uses neural networks that mimic the structure and function of the human brain. Click here for more information on how AI works, its benefits, and its challenges. 

What is an AI-powered price solution?

An AI price solution using machine learning automatically learns from accessing and analyzing data sources – like historical transactional data – and quickly optimizes pricing recommendations without needing to be reprogrammed. 

What is Vendavo’s approach to AI?

What we have found to be the most effective approach is to leverage data science techniques and models that are understandable by business stakeholders, and that are combined with human intelligenceSome refer to this approach as a “centaur”, “cyborg” or “copilot” approach. This combination of machine intelligence and human intelligence has proven to be the most effective way to leverage advanced data science in many cases, especially in B2B enterprises. 

What do Vendavo AI solutions deliver?

Vendavo solutions incorporate fully embedded AI for leading-edge performance. For instance: Vendavo’s Deal Price Optimizer software lets you calculate optimized pricing guidance thanks to a patented Power & Risk™ algorithm that uses your historical transactional data. The result? You quickly present customers with optimized prices that maximize margin and minimize the risk of losing them during negotiations. Our Deal Price Guidance solution delivers deal-specific pricing guidance directly to your CRM and quotation workflow, while continuously optimizing deal win rates, enterprise profitability targets, and the overall customer experience. Learn more about Vendavo products here. 

Is Vendavo a machine learning platform or Cloud AI Developer Service?

No, Vendavo is not a machine learning platform or CAIDS where users build their own models and applications. Vendavo builds and operates purpose-built SaaS solutions for manufacturing and distribution industries, that enable advanced analytical insights, AI price management & optimization, digital commerce & sales processes, and rebate & channel incentive management. While our SaaS products have data science embedded within them, users are still able to supervise, fine-tune, and control these models by changing the algorithmic parameters (available in the GUI). 

How does Vendavo work with customers to drive AI innovation

We frequently work with our customers to collaborate on enhancements, new capabilities, and even new products through our Vendavo Solutions User Group (VSUG) and our Vendavo Lighthouse Customer Program.  Most of our enhancements and innovations over the years have been driven by our customers.