Deal Price Optimizer

Ensemble AI with business expertise for optimized pricing

Vendavo Deal Price Optimizer

Price Analysis Software That Guides Your Business Expertise with AI-Based Algorithms

The right targeted prices for the right products to the right customers, all at the sales team’s fingertips.

  • Maximize profits and revenue by targeting the right price
  • Provide sales teams with precise pricing guidance
  • React to market changes by competitively offering goods and services


of quotes go out within 4 hours


of quotes don’t require additional pricing approvals


basis points of margin

How ABC Supply Uses Our Price Analysis Tools to Gain a Competitive Advantage

Vendavo provides the price analysis capabilities and technology foundation that scales for ABC Supply. Now, the company can give their customers accurate pricing at a national scale.

Success with Deal Price Optimizer

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Help Your Teams and Organization with Deal Price Optimizer

Pricing strategies backed by data and your customer willingness-to-pay. Use this competitive advantage and avoid manual trial and error of pricing approvals. This is a perfect opportunity to mirror your financial objectives, raise your prices, limit options, offer tiered pricing, move away from transactional pricing, and stay ahead of your competition. 

Price optimization methods and your business strategies are the backbone of furthering your targets and pricing guidance. 

Vendavo software dashboard for Price Optimization and Guidance

Optimize your pricing guidance based on multiple dimensions and business objectives through a variety of algorithms and methods. Find the one that works for your negotiated business and the transactional data you have today. Through Ensemble AI techniques you’ll achieve the right prices on deals to share with the Sales team. 

If you are an organization with eCommerce B2B negotiated needs, consider price elasticity as the preferred methodology.  

Vendavo AI Price Optimization Tools

Targets align with your business goals. Sales reps have suggested and minimum prices along with some key insights as they build quotes to minimize bad deal results (like negative margin) and maximize time to quoting (reduce complex deal approvals!) 

Simple user interface for reviewing and publishing data to your CRM and/or CPQ system.  

90% of our quotes are going out within 4 hours and 75% of our quotes don’t require any pricing approval – the system will tell you how to price it and as long as sales can price in that range, no approval is needed. Huge efficiency improvements.”

– Arunkumar Narayanan, senior vice president of server and networking products at dell

Use the right algorithm with your business expertise to maximize your pricing strategy. Deal Price Optimizer uses multiple AI models to collectively solve complex business problems. It includes a series of approaches rather than a singular method, enhancing segmentation, guardrails, optimization, volume pricing, win ratio strategies, and e-commerce.  

This approach helps you apply the right AI to the right problem. 

AI Pricing and Selling Revolution Thumbnail

A Selection of Our Integration Partners

Oracle Logo
Vendavo Intelligent CPQ Software

Extend the Benefits of Deal Price Optimizer Across Your Business Processes

Whether you need to connect to any ERP, CPQ, or CRM system, you can do so through the many available APIs and connectors.

  • Increase sales productivity and win rates while delivering an improved customer experience with Intelligent CPQ
  • Execute straightforward, scalable price management across the organizations with Vendavo Pricepoint
  • Identify price and profit opportunities for any slice of the business with Profit Analyzer


Price analysis and price optimization software enables companies to determine the best possible prices for their products or services using highly detailed quantitative analysis.

Calculations take a range of factors into account, from market conditions and competitor research to ongoing promotions and negotiations. The company’s own targets and future expansion plans may also play a role in determining the optimal prices for its products.

Price guidance gives you the opportunity to raise your prices, limit options, offer tiered pricing, move away from transactional pricing, and stay ahead of the competition with intelligent pricing models and actionable price strategy. This is especially true when that guidance comes from trusted pricing tools. 

In the past, price optimization would always have been done manually. And while it’s still possible to manage prices this way, it’s far from the best solution for most companies.

Manual price analysis leaves a company open to a range of problems and price sensitivity blind-spots, which can significantly hamper optimization efforts. Compared to using a price analysis solution, These include the risks of human error and the time constraints that those managing price analysis manually will inevitably be under.

Software used to analyze and manage price optimization relies on the power of data. It analyzes a large range of different metrics that have been hand-picked to provide a company with the most accurate calculations for its specific pricing requirements. Metrics are continuously monitored by pricing analysis software, with all analyses available for team members to explore in real-time. The software uses these figures to determine the best possible pricing at any given time. 

Discounts are often considered as a total instead of their individual parts, which impacts sales cycles. Simply, total discounts are made up of negotiated discounts and volume discounts. By isolating volume discounts, better segmentation allows sales teams to have more negotiating power and can be more aligned with their customer’s willingness to pay.