What if you could get price guidance for every deal, balancing the downside risk of losing the deal as well as capturing the upside potential to improve margin?
With Vendavo® Deal Price Optimizer, you can. Deal Price Optimizer (DPO) is an AI-powered price optimization with our powerful segmentation and price guidance solution.
DPO calculates optimized pricing guidance through the use of the patented Vendavo Power & Risk™ algorithm that learns from historical pricing behaviors in your transactional data and calculates optimized prices that maximize margin and minimize the risk of losing customers during any sales negotiations.
With DPO, the price guidance setting is taken to another level through automation and scientific data driven pricing guidance that is responsive to changes in the business environment.

Run impact analysis on different pricing strategies to quickly generate as many price scenarios and models you need and automate the price-setting process to your quoting tool.
Now, your winning prices predict a customer’s willingness to pay are in your sales team’s hands. Sales teams will have greater confidence in providing a winning quote during negotiations while simultaneously maximizing margins for enterprise profitability. Pricing guesswork is replaced with a combination of your business insights and scientific data-driven pricing predictions.
Cloud-native solutions for price optimization
DPO is a cloud-native solution that can be installed in just 24 hours. For existing Vendavo customers, upgrading your current Vendavo Price Optimization solution is easy, low risk and straightforward. We migrate your current model definition and integrations ‘as-is’. You continue working without disruption and enjoy the praised modern user experience and performance.
Price optimization is becoming more central to business success than ever before. It’s becoming more complex and challenging almost by the day, and companies can’t afford to guess what the right price may be to close a deal. With the advanced capabilities delivered by Vendavo Deal Price Optimizer, you can remove guesswork from your price optimization equation — and begin closing more deals, more often, with greater profitability.